Saturday, January 13, 2007


"yo soy un loco que se dio cuenta que el tiempo es muy poco..."A.Calamaro

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


NS1.19.7.1 Kin 117
New Sirius Cycle Galactic Spin 28
Red Magnetic Moon Year, 2007
Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement
Day 1, Dali Throne, Kin 117 Red Cosmic Earth
Telektonon Day 1, Tower of Accomplishment, Baktun of the Star Planting
20 Tablets, Year Ten, Sixteen Year Cube of the Law, Week 493
CA Planetary Manitou, Second Year Way of Wielding Power
Third Seed-Storm Year Bundle, Year 2, Week 25, Moon 7
Mystery of the Stone, Year Three, Heptad 129, Tenth Quarter
Third Year Heptagonon of Mind of Earth, Oracle of the Mystery – Gamma Seals the Mystery
Victory Pacifies Mystery of the Stone
Annual Cube Ten, Dog-Love, Seventh Year Second Creation, Enchanted Garden, Seven Star Histories Complete, Dragon Genesis Complete
Realm of the Third Lord of Time, Renowned Conch Top Knot, Guardian of the Second Power of Nine (18) – Time of Rule: 1651-920 BC.
20 Tablets: Annual Chronograph Tablet 10, Chronograph: Dragon Genesis, Mirror Wavespell 10, Blue Western Castle of Burning, Court of Magic.
Chronograph Moon Kin 124: Yellow Resonant Seed Moon -11,687 – -11,587
Baktun-Moon Correlation – Moon of Baktun 7, Mind Teachings – BC 747-343
Neck and spine of Third Lord of the Ring, 936,000 days
Interplanetary Noosphere Ring: Manifest Light Body of Renowned Conch Top Knot, 8th Run, stage 8, GK Earth
7:7::7:7 code: “My Father is intrinsic awareness. I feel the Heat”
Telektonon Prophecy: Section 17 “The Prophets of Peace are Awakening,” 104-109.
Plane of Will – Unconscious Externalizing Instinctual Circuit.
Dreamspell: Kin 117, Red Cosmic Earth (SP Uranus), Serpent Wavespell 9 Blue Western Castle of Burning
Long Count: Kin 68, Yellow Crystal Star,
Haab: Vinal 9, Chen, “To enter into the well of inner wisdom”
Psi Chrono Unit: Kin 85, Red Resonant Serpent
SBTS. 8.9
Quarterly Rune Codon 26: Temple of Time, Stage 12
Weekly Codon Cube, Codon 11: Dynamizing “Way of Conduct Gives Form to Space”
First line, Yang, Bottom of Codon Cube
White Planetary Timelessness-Magnetic Endlessness Overtone Chromatic.
Blue Spectral Eagle – Blue Lunar Storm Sky Chromatic.
Red Week One: Claim Power of Prophecy – Red Knowledge initiates View
Biphasic Codon 19, Wizard’s Aspiration “Way of Wielding Power Gives Form to Space”
7:7::7:7 First week, Outer Initiation, Red Analog Time Atom, Matrix Heptagonon of Mind – Book of Seven Generations,
Futhark Rune 1, Fehu is Flaming Abundance, sent from North to South
Leaf of the Throne Fehu is the Flaming Abundance that initiates the Throne
Fehu/Dali Cube top, Crown Chakra, PNM 1, Afroeurasian Plate 1
Red Magnet sent by North to South in Heart Chakra
Planet Holon, Core Family Earth Zone: Central Equatorial Africa

Dynamics of Time, 17.13. Having consciously completed the dynamics of time as the mathematical logic of the divine plan, the pilot angel program is attuned to time as the now-point of the synchronic order and, simultaneously, to the final ejection of radiative thermic-luminic properties of the stellar mass whence it had originated.

Offered freely to all planetary kin everywhere, known and unknown, on behalf of the Sirius Mission, Time Engineering Division, Galactic Research Institute, Aotearoa, Night Zone, V.24.3

Day, Kin/psi chrono, (Bode#), Planet, Earth Family and Chakra, Seal, Tone, Octave Note, Step, and Cube – listed in order as the base information for attunement.


Fifth Castle Harmonic, Spin Harmonic 31: Resonant Input
Day 7. Kin 123, (100) GK Saturn, Signal Solar Plexus, Blue Night Tone 6
First note: DO (C)
Step 1 – Vibrate Earth V.24.3 Frequency, Bode 10 (×10 = Saturn 100)
Cube 1, Dragon GK Neptune (300) – Birth – Lord Buddha
Sound DO

Day 8. Kin 124, (52) GK Jupiter, Gateway Root, Yellow Seed Tone 7
Second note: RE (D)
Step 2 – Experience Cosmic influence on thought frequency, adjust to cosmic awareness
Cube 2, Wind GK Uranus (196) Spirit – Christ
Sound DO RE

Sixth Castle Harmonic, Spin Harmonic 32: Spectral Store
Day 9. Kin 125, (28) GK Maldek, Polar Crown, Red Serpent Tone 8
Third note: MI (E)
Step 3 – Enter frequency of Divine Scriptures appropriate to one’s level of understanding
Cube 3, Night GK Saturn (100) Abundance – Muhammad
Sound DO RE MI

Day 10. Kin 126, (16) GK Mars, Cardinal Throat, White Worldbridger Tone 9
Fourth Note: FA (F)
Step 4 – Consciousness consumes divine frequencies – realized as quality of “Heaven”
Cube 4, Seed GK Jupiter (52) Flowering – Pacal Votan

Day 11. Kin 127, (10) GK Earth, Core Heart, Blue Hand Tone 10
Fifth note: SOL (G)
Step 5 – Frequency of religious consciousness, Essence finds God –
Cube 5, Serpent GK Maldek (28) Life Force – Quetzalcoatl
(ASCENSION – Overtone of Day 7)

Day 12. Kin 128, (7) GK Venus, Signal Solar Plexus, Yellow Star Tone 11
Sixth note: LA (A)
Step 6 – Channel of transition from religious to universal consciousness – spiral vibrations of sound radiate to atomic (cosmic) whole
Cube 6, Worldbridger Mars (16) Death – St. John of Patmos

Seventh Castle Harmonic, Spin Harmonic 33 – Mystic Void: Lunar Challenge
Day 13. Kin 129, (4) GK Omega Mercury, Gateway Root, Red Moon Tone 12
Seventh note: TI (B)
Step 7 – Vibrations of 2nd (non-manifest) Universe, Gate of Reflection to 1st (manifest) Universe – Perfection of original seven days of creation.
Cube 7, Hand GK Earth (10) Accomplishment – Padmasambhava

Day 14. Kin 130, (4) SP Alpha Mercury, Polar Crown, White Dog Tone 13
Eighth note: DO (C’)
Step 8 – Lost chord scale of Ascension complete. Silent inner vibrations of tranquil time of Fifth Dimension. Restoration of Interval of lost time.
Cube 8, Star GK Venus (7) Elegance – Single Luminous White “A”

Annual Resonant Plate Shift – End of Mirror Meditation Wavespell 10 – 13,000 year Dragon Genesis complete; ascend in meditation endlessness.
Begin 7,800 year Monkey Genesis – Monkey Magic Wavespell 11


Day 15. Kin 131, (7) SP Venus, Cardinal Throat, Blue Monkey Tone 1
Ninth note: DO (C’)
Step 9 – Frequency of birth into Medium of Immortality – This is the place of the revelation of the Quran, the Last Book.
Cube 9, Moon GK Mercury (4) Purification – Red Lightning Child Great Emptiness
Sound DO (C’) and DO (C)

Day 16. Kin 132, (10) SP Earth, Core Heart, Yellow Human, Tone 2
Tenth note: TI (B)
Step 10 – Unification of consciousness beyond immortality with consciousness of the spiritual Plan –Attainment of the Whole.
Cube 10, Dog SP Mercury (4) Love – Renowned Conch Topknot
Sound TI (B) and RE (D)

Eighth Castle Harmonic, Spin Harmonic 34: Rhythmic Output
Day 17. Kin 133, (19 ×7) (16) SP Mars, Signal Solar Plexus, Red Skywalker Tone 3
Eleventh note: LA (A)
Step 11 – Land of the Loving Ones, Highest vibration of Love, Fifth Supreme Time, Fifth Green Central Castle of Enchantment, Enter the Court of the Matrix
Cube 11, Monkey SP Venus (7) Magic – Black Iron Garuda Crest
Sound LA (A) and MI (E)

Day 18. Kin 134, (28) SP Maldek, Gateway Root, White Wizard Tone 4
Twelfth note: SOL (G)
Step 12 – Fourth Supreme Time, Fourth Yellow Southern Castle of Giving, Enter the Court of Intelligence
Cube 12, Human SP Earth (10) Free Will – Supreme Golden Maiden
Sound SOL (G) and FA (F)

Day 19. Kin 135, (52) SP Jupiter, Polar Crown, Blue Eagle, Tone 5
Thirteenth note: FA (F)
Step 13 – Third Supreme Time, Third Blue Western Castle of Burning, Enter the Court of Magic
Cube 13, Skywalker SP Mars (16) Prophecy – Awesome Vast Blue Sky
Sound FA (F) and SOL (G)

Day 20. Kin 136, (100) SP Saturn, Cardinal Throat, Yellow Warrior Tone 6
Fourteenth note: MI (E)
Step 14 – Second Supreme Time, Second White Castle of Crossing, Enter the Court of Death
Cube 14, Wizard SP Maldek (28) Timelessness – Single Wing Red Fire
Sound MI (E) and LA (A)

Ninth Castle Harmonic, Spin Harmonic 35: Planetary Matrix
Day 21. Kin 137, (196) SP Uranus, Core Heart, Red Earth Tone 7
Fifteenth note: RE (D)
Step 15 – First Supreme Time, First Red Castle of Turning, Enter the Court of Birth
Cube 15, Eagle SP Jupiter (52) Vision – Awesome Blowing Six Turquoise Winds
Sound RE (D) and TI (B)

Day 22. Kin 138, (300) SP Neptune Signal Solar Plexus, White Mirror Tone 8
Sixteenth note: DO (C)
Step 16 – Godly Power attained – power of transferring yourself into whatever dimension you choose, including as a fetus again if you wish. You are Whole. Circle complete. Lost Chord sounded. Interval of Lost Time Restored as purification of your soul essence.
Cube 16, Warrior SP Saturn (100) Intelligence – Primordial Knowing Body Lha
Sirius Council of Nine convened with the Seven Seers of the Awakening
Sound DO (C), DO (C’) and DO (C). If there is a group, to conclude the practice, have one part of the group chant the ascending scale, while the other one chants the progressions of the return scale, two notes for each one of the ascending scale.

On Practicing

Day, Kin/psi chrono, (Bode#), Planet, Earth Family and Chakra, Seal, Tone, Octave Note, Step, and Cube – listed in order as the base information for attunement.


Fifth Castle Harmonic, Spin Harmonic 31: Resonant Input
Day 7. Kin 123, (100) GK Saturn, Signal Solar Plexus, Blue Night Tone 6
First note: DO (C)
Step 1 – Vibrate Earth V.24.3 Frequency, Bode 10 (×10 = Saturn 100)
Cube 1, Dragon GK Neptune (300) – Birth – Lord Buddha
Sound DO

Day 8. Kin 124, (52) GK Jupiter, Gateway Root, Yellow Seed Tone 7
Second note: RE (D)
Step 2 – Experience Cosmic influence on thought frequency, adjust to cosmic awareness
Cube 2, Wind GK Uranus (196) Spirit – Christ
Sound DO RE

Sixth Castle Harmonic, Spin Harmonic 32: Spectral Store
Day 9. Kin 125, (28) GK Maldek, Polar Crown, Red Serpent Tone 8
Third note: MI (E)
Step 3 – Enter frequency of Divine Scriptures appropriate to one’s level of understanding
Cube 3, Night GK Saturn (100) Abundance – Muhammad
Sound DO RE MI

Day 10. Kin 126, (16) GK Mars, Cardinal Throat, White Worldbridger Tone 9
Fourth Note: FA (F)
Step 4 – Consciousness consumes divine frequencies – realized as quality of “Heaven”
Cube 4, Seed GK Jupiter (52) Flowering – Pacal Votan

Day 11. Kin 127, (10) GK Earth, Core Heart, Blue Hand Tone 10
Fifth note: SOL (G)
Step 5 – Frequency of religious consciousness, Essence finds God –
Cube 5, Serpent GK Maldek (28) Life Force – Quetzalcoatl
(ASCENSION – Overtone of Day 7)

Day 12. Kin 128, (7) GK Venus, Signal Solar Plexus, Yellow Star Tone 11
Sixth note: LA (A)
Step 6 – Channel of transition from religious to universal consciousness – spiral vibrations of sound radiate to atomic (cosmic) whole
Cube 6, Worldbridger Mars (16) Death – St. John of Patmos

Seventh Castle Harmonic, Spin Harmonic 33 – Mystic Void: Lunar Challenge
Day 13. Kin 129, (4) GK Omega Mercury, Gateway Root, Red Moon Tone 12
Seventh note: TI (B)
Step 7 – Vibrations of 2nd (non-manifest) Universe, Gate of Reflection to 1st (manifest) Universe – Perfection of original seven days of creation.
Cube 7, Hand GK Earth (10) Accomplishment – Padmasambhava

Day 14. Kin 130, (4) SP Alpha Mercury, Polar Crown, White Dog Tone 13
Eighth note: DO (C’)
Step 8 – Lost chord scale of Ascension complete. Silent inner vibrations of tranquil time of Fifth Dimension. Restoration of Interval of lost time.
Cube 8, Star GK Venus (7) Elegance – Single Luminous White “A”

Annual Resonant Plate Shift – End of Mirror Meditation Wavespell 10 – 13,000 year Dragon Genesis complete; ascend in meditation endlessness.
Begin 7,800 year Monkey Genesis – Monkey Magic Wavespell 11


Day 15. Kin 131, (7) SP Venus, Cardinal Throat, Blue Monkey Tone 1
Ninth note: DO (C’)
Step 9 – Frequency of birth into Medium of Immortality – This is the place of the revelation of the Quran, the Last Book.
Cube 9, Moon GK Mercury (4) Purification – Red Lightning Child Great Emptiness
Sound DO (C’) and DO (C)

Day 16. Kin 132, (10) SP Earth, Core Heart, Yellow Human, Tone 2
Tenth note: TI (B)
Step 10 – Unification of consciousness beyond immortality with consciousness of the spiritual Plan –Attainment of the Whole.
Cube 10, Dog SP Mercury (4) Love – Renowned Conch Topknot
Sound TI (B) and RE (D)

Eighth Castle Harmonic, Spin Harmonic 34: Rhythmic Output
Day 17. Kin 133, (19 ×7) (16) SP Mars, Signal Solar Plexus, Red Skywalker Tone 3
Eleventh note: LA (A)
Step 11 – Land of the Loving Ones, Highest vibration of Love, Fifth Supreme Time, Fifth Green Central Castle of Enchantment, Enter the Court of the Matrix
Cube 11, Monkey SP Venus (7) Magic – Black Iron Garuda Crest
Sound LA (A) and MI (E)

Day 18. Kin 134, (28) SP Maldek, Gateway Root, White Wizard Tone 4
Twelfth note: SOL (G)
Step 12 – Fourth Supreme Time, Fourth Yellow Southern Castle of Giving, Enter the Court of Intelligence
Cube 12, Human SP Earth (10) Free Will – Supreme Golden Maiden
Sound SOL (G) and FA (F)

Day 19. Kin 135, (52) SP Jupiter, Polar Crown, Blue Eagle, Tone 5
Thirteenth note: FA (F)
Step 13 – Third Supreme Time, Third Blue Western Castle of Burning, Enter the Court of Magic
Cube 13, Skywalker SP Mars (16) Prophecy – Awesome Vast Blue Sky
Sound FA (F) and SOL (G)

Day 20. Kin 136, (100) SP Saturn, Cardinal Throat, Yellow Warrior Tone 6
Fourteenth note: MI (E)
Step 14 – Second Supreme Time, Second White Castle of Crossing, Enter the Court of Death
Cube 14, Wizard SP Maldek (28) Timelessness – Single Wing Red Fire
Sound MI (E) and LA (A)

Ninth Castle Harmonic, Spin Harmonic 35: Planetary Matrix
Day 21. Kin 137, (196) SP Uranus, Core Heart, Red Earth Tone 7
Fifteenth note: RE (D)
Step 15 – First Supreme Time, First Red Castle of Turning, Enter the Court of Birth
Cube 15, Eagle SP Jupiter (52) Vision – Awesome Blowing Six Turquoise Winds
Sound RE (D) and TI (B)

Day 22. Kin 138, (300) SP Neptune Signal Solar Plexus, White Mirror Tone 8
Sixteenth note: DO (C)
Step 16 – Godly Power attained – power of transferring yourself into whatever dimension you choose, including as a fetus again if you wish. You are Whole. Circle complete. Lost Chord sounded. Interval of Lost Time Restored as purification of your soul essence.
Cube 16, Warrior SP Saturn (100) Intelligence – Primordial Knowing Body Lha
Sirius Council of Nine convened with the Seven Seers of the Awakening
Sound DO (C), DO (C’) and DO (C). If there is a group, to conclude the practice, have one part of the group chant the ascending scale, while the other one chants the progressions of the return scale, two notes for each one of the ascending scale.

On Practicing

Day, Kin/psi chrono, (Bode#), Planet, Earth Family and Chakra, Seal, Tone, Octave Note, Step, and Cube – listed in order as the base information for attunement.


Fifth Castle Harmonic, Spin Harmonic 31: Resonant Input
Day 7. Kin 123, (100) GK Saturn, Signal Solar Plexus, Blue Night Tone 6
First note: DO (C)
Step 1 – Vibrate Earth V.24.3 Frequency, Bode 10 (×10 = Saturn 100)
Cube 1, Dragon GK Neptune (300) – Birth – Lord Buddha
Sound DO

Day 8. Kin 124, (52) GK Jupiter, Gateway Root, Yellow Seed Tone 7
Second note: RE (D)
Step 2 – Experience Cosmic influence on thought frequency, adjust to cosmic awareness
Cube 2, Wind GK Uranus (196) Spirit – Christ
Sound DO RE

Sixth Castle Harmonic, Spin Harmonic 32: Spectral Store
Day 9. Kin 125, (28) GK Maldek, Polar Crown, Red Serpent Tone 8
Third note: MI (E)
Step 3 – Enter frequency of Divine Scriptures appropriate to one’s level of understanding
Cube 3, Night GK Saturn (100) Abundance – Muhammad
Sound DO RE MI

Day 10. Kin 126, (16) GK Mars, Cardinal Throat, White Worldbridger Tone 9
Fourth Note: FA (F)
Step 4 – Consciousness consumes divine frequencies – realized as quality of “Heaven”
Cube 4, Seed GK Jupiter (52) Flowering – Pacal Votan

Day 11. Kin 127, (10) GK Earth, Core Heart, Blue Hand Tone 10
Fifth note: SOL (G)
Step 5 – Frequency of religious consciousness, Essence finds God –
Cube 5, Serpent GK Maldek (28) Life Force – Quetzalcoatl
(ASCENSION – Overtone of Day 7)

Day 12. Kin 128, (7) GK Venus, Signal Solar Plexus, Yellow Star Tone 11
Sixth note: LA (A)
Step 6 – Channel of transition from religious to universal consciousness – spiral vibrations of sound radiate to atomic (cosmic) whole
Cube 6, Worldbridger Mars (16) Death – St. John of Patmos

Seventh Castle Harmonic, Spin Harmonic 33 – Mystic Void: Lunar Challenge
Day 13. Kin 129, (4) GK Omega Mercury, Gateway Root, Red Moon Tone 12
Seventh note: TI (B)
Step 7 – Vibrations of 2nd (non-manifest) Universe, Gate of Reflection to 1st (manifest) Universe – Perfection of original seven days of creation.
Cube 7, Hand GK Earth (10) Accomplishment – Padmasambhava

Day 14. Kin 130, (4) SP Alpha Mercury, Polar Crown, White Dog Tone 13
Eighth note: DO (C’)
Step 8 – Lost chord scale of Ascension complete. Silent inner vibrations of tranquil time of Fifth Dimension. Restoration of Interval of lost time.
Cube 8, Star GK Venus (7) Elegance – Single Luminous White “A”

Annual Resonant Plate Shift – End of Mirror Meditation Wavespell 10 – 13,000 year Dragon Genesis complete; ascend in meditation endlessness.
Begin 7,800 year Monkey Genesis – Monkey Magic Wavespell 11


Day 15. Kin 131, (7) SP Venus, Cardinal Throat, Blue Monkey Tone 1
Ninth note: DO (C’)
Step 9 – Frequency of birth into Medium of Immortality – This is the place of the revelation of the Quran, the Last Book.
Cube 9, Moon GK Mercury (4) Purification – Red Lightning Child Great Emptiness
Sound DO (C’) and DO (C)

Day 16. Kin 132, (10) SP Earth, Core Heart, Yellow Human, Tone 2
Tenth note: TI (B)
Step 10 – Unification of consciousness beyond immortality with consciousness of the spiritual Plan –Attainment of the Whole.
Cube 10, Dog SP Mercury (4) Love – Renowned Conch Topknot
Sound TI (B) and RE (D)

Eighth Castle Harmonic, Spin Harmonic 34: Rhythmic Output
Day 17. Kin 133, (19 ×7) (16) SP Mars, Signal Solar Plexus, Red Skywalker Tone 3
Eleventh note: LA (A)
Step 11 – Land of the Loving Ones, Highest vibration of Love, Fifth Supreme Time, Fifth Green Central Castle of Enchantment, Enter the Court of the Matrix
Cube 11, Monkey SP Venus (7) Magic – Black Iron Garuda Crest
Sound LA (A) and MI (E)

Day 18. Kin 134, (28) SP Maldek, Gateway Root, White Wizard Tone 4
Twelfth note: SOL (G)
Step 12 – Fourth Supreme Time, Fourth Yellow Southern Castle of Giving, Enter the Court of Intelligence
Cube 12, Human SP Earth (10) Free Will – Supreme Golden Maiden
Sound SOL (G) and FA (F)

Day 19. Kin 135, (52) SP Jupiter, Polar Crown, Blue Eagle, Tone 5
Thirteenth note: FA (F)
Step 13 – Third Supreme Time, Third Blue Western Castle of Burning, Enter the Court of Magic
Cube 13, Skywalker SP Mars (16) Prophecy – Awesome Vast Blue Sky
Sound FA (F) and SOL (G)

Day 20. Kin 136, (100) SP Saturn, Cardinal Throat, Yellow Warrior Tone 6
Fourteenth note: MI (E)
Step 14 – Second Supreme Time, Second White Castle of Crossing, Enter the Court of Death
Cube 14, Wizard SP Maldek (28) Timelessness – Single Wing Red Fire
Sound MI (E) and LA (A)

Ninth Castle Harmonic, Spin Harmonic 35: Planetary Matrix
Day 21. Kin 137, (196) SP Uranus, Core Heart, Red Earth Tone 7
Fifteenth note: RE (D)
Step 15 – First Supreme Time, First Red Castle of Turning, Enter the Court of Birth
Cube 15, Eagle SP Jupiter (52) Vision – Awesome Blowing Six Turquoise Winds
Sound RE (D) and TI (B)

Day 22. Kin 138, (300) SP Neptune Signal Solar Plexus, White Mirror Tone 8
Sixteenth note: DO (C)
Step 16 – Godly Power attained – power of transferring yourself into whatever dimension you choose, including as a fetus again if you wish. You are Whole. Circle complete. Lost Chord sounded. Interval of Lost Time Restored as purification of your soul essence.
Cube 16, Warrior SP Saturn (100) Intelligence – Primordial Knowing Body Lha
Sirius Council of Nine convened with the Seven Seers of the Awakening
Sound DO (C), DO (C’) and DO (C). If there is a group, to conclude the practice, have one part of the group chant the ascending scale, while the other one chants the progressions of the return scale, two notes for each one of the ascending scale.

On Practicing